God’s Truth and Promises

By |Published On: September 4, 2019|Categories: Inspiration, Stories, Wheels For The World|

“…the Lord stands at the right hand of the needy one.”

Psalm 109:31

Louie Pierre Oujee, a little five-year-old boy from Haiti, was born with no feeling below his knees. In a culture where a physical impairment is seen as a curse, this precious boy has endured the stigma and shame of having a disability.

Louie has had big dreams about being an economist, but it’s hard to imagine those dreams coming true when the only way he can move around is by sitting on the ground and pushing on his hands. He would need a wheelchair that would allow him to stay in school as he grows.

His parents live and work in Port-au-Prince to help provide for him and their family. Louie gets to see them occasionally, but not often enough. He misses them dearly. Louie’s aunt does the best she can to care for Louie, but they will never be able to afford the wheelchair he desperately needs.

After Louie was fitted into his first ever brand-new wheelchair, a big beautiful smile spread across his face! Your generosity and prayers gave Louie joy and a new life in Jesus! At our Wheels for the World outreach, Louie also received the Joni book in his language and a Bible filled with God’s truth and promises.

“I love my wheelchair, thank you! I will show my friends at school,” he shared with a big smile.

Bless you and thank you for your generous support that transforms the lives of children like Louie. You gave this little boy what he needs to pursue his big dreams. Now he will be able to stay in school and become an economist someday!

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

Colossians 3:17

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