A wheelchair mechanic fixing a wheelchair

Wheels for the World™ Jordan

September 10, 2025 - September 21, 2025

Wheels for the World™️ offers the hope of the Gospel while providing life-changing mobility to people living with disabilities worldwide. Join a Wheels for the World™️ Outreach to Jordan! Serve with us as a Seating Therapist, Mechanic, Photojournalist, Seamstress, or in a Support role. Every team member will directly impact people living with disability in a life-changing way. Apply today to serve people with disabilities by providing mobility and sharing the tangible love of Christ.

What to know about Jordan:

Jordan, located in West Asia, is known for its desert adventures, delicious Jordanian cooking and spectacular holy sites including the Red Sea and the Dead Sea. Amid conflicts in the Middle East, the Kingdom of Jordan has taken in thousands of refugees from neighboring countries, making it an exceptionally diverse nation. In some cities, populations have doubled, increasing needs for disability resources and mobility equipment. On this outreach, you will work alongside our in-country partners to give the gift of mobility and share the love of God to people living with disabilities.

Cost and Safety Protocols:

The cost for this outreach is all-inclusive; however, any pre-outreach vaccination requirements are the responsibility of each individual traveler. Outreach costs may vary for applicants outside of the 48 contiguous United States. Wheels for the World™️ will adhere to country protocols related to health and safety requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

For Volunteers

Apply Now

Airfare, in-country transportation, meals, and lodging are included in the cost of the event.
*Application does not guarantee attendance to the event.
**Payment is not due at the time of application.