Tough Choices

By |Published On: February 27, 2023|Categories: Daily Devotional|

“Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. I cling to you; your right hand upholds me.”

Psalm 63:7-8

God enrolls every Christian in the school of suffering; the same one his Son attended. Sure, we want to do well in that school, but often we squirm if the class drags on too long. We skip to the end of the lesson, hoping for deep insights without the suffering that comes with them. We want intimacy with Jesus, but we bail out when things get too difficult.

But I believe you want to do well in that school. So keep listening to Jesus. Prefer him. Choose him. And when pain or disappointments pile on, don’t give up. Say with Psalm 63, “Lord, my soul clings to you.” And take courage; Graduation day is on the horizon. So, keep at it; persevere with patience. Your diploma will be the crown of life so don’t be a dropout in God’s school of suffering.

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