The Savior’s Beautiful Plan

By |Published On: May 23, 2022|Categories: Daily Devotional|

“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you…”

Ephesians 1:18

I remember the time I was sitting curbside (in pain) waiting for my ride? And across the way was a line of big, tall trees. It was very windy, and I became mesmerized by the way the trees kinda like swayed with rhythm. With each hard breeze, another wave rippled across maybe 30 trees in a row.

And as I stared, I saw myself as…one little leaf on one of those trees, being battered and tossed, and ripped this way and that, not seeing how I fit in the grand scheme of things; not grasping how my violent tossings were part of this beautiful, symphonic wave of trees.

Life is like that. And if you are a little leaf – like I was that day – feeling all is crazy – anchor your stem to Ephesians chapter 1. ‘Cause God works out everything according to his plan. So hang on there, little leaf; you fit in the beautiful symphonic plan of your beautiful Savior.

Why Should We Love the Return of Christ?

Pastor John Piper joins the podcast to share a hopeful vision for the second coming of Jesus. Hear how anticipating the return of Christ can help people who are suffering with hardship and disability today, plus the importance of cultivating a deep love for the Savior as we await his return.