Pray Everywhere

By |Published On: January 8, 2024|Categories: Daily Devotional|

God gives us a big command in First Thessalonians. It says to “pray without ceasing for this is the will of God.” Okay, so, it’s God’s will to keep praying all the time. So, when I’m at work and feel stumped, I pray. On Sunday mornings, I pray for our pastor while driving to church. When my hip starts hurting and I’m in great pain, I pray for courage.

When the store clerk seems overwhelmed, or the Amazon delivery guy seems harried; I pray for them. Wherever I am, alone or with others, I want to keep the communication lines between me, and God open so that every moment is fruitful for the kingdom. Ask God to open your eyes to the kingdom work all around you. He wouldn’t want you to miss out on any opportunity, so keep praying.

Finding Freedom Through Forgiveness

Today on the podcast, Vaneetha is talking with Crystal about the grace God has given her to forgive those whose harmful choices radically altered the course of her life. Be encouraged by her courageous journey toward wholeness amidst a world of brokenness!

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