Jesus Is Alive!
“It is true! The Lord has risen…”
Luke 24:34
Happy Resurrection Day, friend! I’m a-singing as I join you in celebrating the day that changed history, that changed us! Everything about Christianity, everything hinges on Christ’s resurrection. We celebrate Jesus, the Son of Man who was stone-cold dead, a gray corpse, stiff with rigor mortis and lying on a granite slab behind a stone – but up from that grave he arose, with a mighty triumph over his foes.
And he rose victorious because Jesus did what no one, absolutely no one could do: he met the demands of God’s justice. It was a hard punishment we deserved, but Jesus paid it for us. And our freedom cost him his life. Oh, if I could kick up my heels, I would. So, celebrate, Christ is blazingly alive, he’s alive! So, do me a favor; kick up your heels for me.
Why Should We Love the Return of Christ?
Pastor John Piper joins the podcast to share a hopeful vision for the second coming of Jesus. Hear how anticipating the return of Christ can help people who are suffering with hardship and disability today, plus the importance of cultivating a deep love for the Savior as we await his return.