He is Good
“You are good, and what you do is good.”
Psalm 119:68
There are things in life you wouldn’t call “good.” Most of them are out of your control, making them seem even less good. A mischievous neighbor spreads gossip. Property taxes go up. Insurance does not cover the dental implant. A football injury damages your son’s knees. In all these things, it’s tempting to think that God is not being good. But Psalm 119:68 insists otherwise; it says, “You [Lord] are good, and what you do is good.”
God never stops being good and doing good. His goodness is not dependent on your limited understanding – his goodness depends on who he is. And he is utterly faithful, trustworthy, wise and kind, even if it is hard to comprehend his goodness in the hardships that he allows. So hang your hat on Psalm 34:8 and “taste and see the Lord is good!” Always good, no matter what comes your way.
© Joni and Friends
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