First Sunday of Advent 

By |Published On: December 1, 2024|Categories: Daily Devotional|
An artwork titled "Christmas Candle" by Joni Eareckson Tada, featuring a lit red candle in a golden lamp, with three Longleaf pines in the background.

“‘Woe to the obstinate children,’ declares the Lord, ‘to those who carry out plans that are not mine, forming an alliance, but not by my Spirit, heaping sin upon sin.’”

Isaiah 30:1

Are you wondering what this whole Advent journey is about and why it begins on such a mournful note? Well, it’s simple… How could we possibly appreciate the gift of Jesus Christ as Savior of our sins unless first—like right now—we take time to consider what we need to be saved from?!

God wants us to understand the depth and breadth of our transgressions against him. We need to come face to face with the lostness of our plight and embrace our sorry and very sad situation. He wants us to understand that our sin offends him and that his wrath is upon us. That without Jesus we are ransomed and captive.

Only when we fully appreciate the fact that we are lost can we fully celebrate being found. Only then can we say, Rejoice! Our God will come! He will rescue us and save us and deliver us. Joy to the world! The Lord is come. Let earth receive her King. Let every heart prepare him room, and heaven and nature sing!

Oh, aren’t you glad? Aren’t you relieved that Christmas is coming—that our Savior is born?

And this Sunday—the first day of Advent—marks the beginning of our journey toward that marvelous celebration. Friend, we need a Savior. We are hopeless without a Deliverer. We are captive without a Redeemer.

So come, oh come, Immanuel! May this day we understand our need of you, our Savior, and may we realize our desperate condition. Only then can we truly have a very Merry Christmas!

A circular picture with the text "Advent Devotional," featuring Joni's artwork titled "Christmas Candle," which depicts a lit red candle in a golden lamp with three Longleaf pines in the background.

Joni Eareckson Tada’s 5-Part Advent Devotional

Download my Advent guide and prepare your heart for Jesus today!

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