Feelings of Discontent

By |Published On: February 10, 2025|Categories: Daily Devotional|

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”

James 1:17

Christians often compare themselves with others who seem to have it better. We aren’t happy with our lot in life. We look around and think, life ‘should’ be better.  But should it? Job chapter 14 says that our days ‘are’ full of trouble. So, don’t even think you deserve better. If we deserve anything, it’s hell. No one is entitled to an easy, comfortable life in which they’re appreciated. ‘And’ if things are hard; if money is tight and friends are few, do not interpret God’s will as a personal attack. All of life, no matter how difficult, is a merciful gift. Life is all about one heaven-sent gift after another. Join the lady in the wheelchair who’s learned to yield to a hard lot in life. Our days may be full of trouble (and they are), but Jesus makes them ‘full’ of contentment.

A headshot of Ginny Owens smiling for the camera.

Pursuing Contentment

Is it possible to be content in any situation? When faced with circumstances outside your control, it can be easy to feel lost and hopeless. But you are part of a bigger story, and you have a purpose.

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