Be Prepared

By |Published On: July 24, 2024|Categories: Daily Devotional|

“In that day they will say, ‘Surely this is our God; we trusted in him, and he saved us. This is the LORD, we trusted in him; let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation.’”

Isaiah 25:9

When I was little, the neighbor kids down the street were my idols. I remember the time their parents asked my folks if I could go to the community pool with them. We piled into their station wagon, amid inner tubes, beach towels, bag lunches, and snorkeling stuff. This was going to be great!

But when we arrived at the pool, my friends headed straight for the deep end. I ran on their heels but skidded to a stop at the diving board. I had never been in the deep end. I had never dived off a board before. I pranced around the edge of the pool, pretending to be a part of things, when I knew I hadn’t been prepared for all this. I felt left out.

Being prepared is more than a Boy Scout motto. Most Christians hope to go to heaven one day, right? Maybe we even feel excited about the idea: streets of gold, no more worries, jumping from one planet to the other. But think about it more deeply. Heaven is a holy place. Its inhabitants are holy. To be happy in heaven, we must be prepared for it, with our hearts in tune to holiness. Look at today’s verse again. In that day will you say, “This is the LORD, we trusted in him”? Are you prepared to “rejoice and be glad in his salvation”? Obedience is the best way to be prepared!

Do you honestly think you would be thrilled to meet Jesus after clinging to the very sins for which he died? Could you join the cry of Isaiah 25:9? Think Scripture reading, hymn singing, and praying are dull? You’re in for a shock when you enter heaven. You’d better get ready.

Father God, I have far to go before I’m prepared for the blessings that await me. Show me the next step I need to take to move closer to being holy like you.

Why Should We Love the Return of Christ? 

Pastor John Piper joins the podcast to share a hopeful vision for the second coming of Jesus. Hear how anticipating the return of Christ can help people who are suffering with hardship and disability today, plus the importance of cultivating a deep love for the Savior as we await his return.

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