A Threefold Cord  

By |Published On: November 16, 2023|Categories: Daily Devotional|
A picture of three girls praying over their friend together.

“And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” 

Ecclesiastes 4:12 (ESV)

The other night as I was getting ready to go to sleep, I asked my husband to say a special prayer for me—I was experiencing an unusual amount of pain, and I needed his intercessions to ward off fear and anxiety. I needed extra prayer because I know the devil loves to attack when I am at my weakest. When I am vulnerable, he’ll pull out all his weapons of warfare to discourage me. I feel it more keenly at night when it seems the enemy can more easily gain ground. I ask others who struggle with sleep to pray for me, too, and I in turn pray for them. 

The enemy hates when we garner extra prayer support. Christians banded together in prayer survive where a solitary soul under fire doesn’t.  

So, if you are in pain today; if sleep does not come easily for you; if you are going through a great trial, do not suffer alone! God never intended that soldiers in his army fight the enemy independently. Find a friend who will bear arms alongside you as you defend each other in prayer and Christian fellowship.  

Lord Jesus Christ, I praise you that no matter how fragile, feeble, or shallow my prayers, they still have purpose and power. Especially as I pray that your kingdom would come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you that in prayer I can join with Christian brothers and sisters around the world to fight against the weapons of the Evil One, including discouragement, fear, and loneliness.  

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