Chuck Colson and Our Friends
Today, Friday, I spent all day with a wonderful group of 40 Christian leaders from across the country, all of us fully committed to shaping a biblical worldview as it concerns the sanctity of life, religious liberty and the institution of marriage. Chuck Colson and our friends from the Colson Center on Worldview convened this meeting to see how our organizations and churches can work better together — of course, “sanctity of life” and disability intersect in a powerful way when you consider the skyrocketing abortion rates of unborn children with Down syndrome, the euthanizing of the elderly with disabling conditions, and the new phenomena, after-birth abortion (the killing of infants with severe disabilities). Learn more by reading Life in the Balance or Beyond Suffering, both offered in our store; or visit our Christian Institute on Disability page to explore ways we can help you share Christ’s love to those affected by disability. And for the sake of the Gospel, thank you for caring (and praying!)