My Father, the Master Craftsman
My daddy was a master craftsman and a huge force for good in my life. As a child I would often watch him at work, in awe of his skill at just about...
My daddy was a master craftsman and a huge force for good in my life. As a child I would often watch him at work, in awe of his skill at just about...
Today I’m thinking of my daddy and the sheer determination that characterized so much of his life. As a little girl, I thought him larger than life, up to...
Many years ago, Ken and I had the opportunity to travel to Israel. We saw and did so much during our brief visit, but the highlight of our trip inspired me...
Before God created time and space, before he created the universe and spoke, “Let there be light;” before he made the world and moved...
Today is a difficult anniversary. Over twenty years ago, terrorist attacks delivered a tectonic shock to our nation, changing it forever. The tragedy of...
More than four decades have passed since Ken and I began our married life in 1982. And as we celebrate our wedding anniversary on July 3, I marvel at the ...
“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, ‘Your God ...
With my disability, I need serious help. I lean on Ken to do many things, but he’s in his 70s now, and I do not want to wear him out. So, I’ve asked a few...
Many years ago, after I got out of the hospital, my sister Jay invited me to come and live with her on the Maryland farm. I loved living with her. ...
Can you imagine spending more than half of your life in a bedroom, unable to get out of bed or go outside? This was the life of Didina, a Romanian gypsy...