An Easter Story
Ever wonder what happened during those three days Jesus was in the grave? First, here’s the back story: when Jesus said, “It is finished” on the cross, he dropped his head, gave up his spirit, and… everything went dark. It looked like the end. Even clouds in the sky appeared angry as the sun stopped shining. The earth shook, quaked violently, and harsh rain drove everyone indoors. It was as though heaven and earth became sad and hopeless.
Jesus was dead.
Now, the Devil and his demons must have kicked up their heels.
They looked at the dead body of Jesus hanging on the cross and thought, “Aha! We have finally stopped God’s Son dead in his tracks. No more ridiculous talk about salvation and redemption. Jesus called himself the Light of the World, but we’ve sure put an end to that kind of preaching! Jesus can’t preach anymore.”
The spiritual forces of evil rubbed their hands in glee. They were convinced they had the last word.
And when they laid Jesus’ body in the grave? Demons must have gone berserk with delight. They cackled to see the soldiers roll the stone across the tomb. Inside the sepulcher, all was damp and quiet. Jesus’ body was cold and stiff on a stone slab. We have finally tricked God, the Devil sneered – I have been successful in instigating the world’s worst murder. Boy, were demons snickering.
But then, Satan got a little nervous.
The body of Jesus may have been stiff and silent, but not the Spirit of Jesus. We can’t say exactly what happened shortly after the tomb was sealed, but 1 Peter 3:18-20 explains,
“… He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit, through whom also he went and preached to the spirits in prison who disobeyed long ago…”
Jesus was still out there preaching! And he was preaching and talking about God’s kingdom on the Devil’s own turf! Jesus had descended into hell – the Devil’s realm – to tell the Gospel truth to Satan’s own subjects! The nerve of Jesus! the Devil must have thought, how dare he barge in here, telling my prisoners his story! Demons must have held their hands over their ears and ran the other way.
For those three mysterious days, the powers of darkness went crazy.
More than that, they became scared stiff, for they realized their folly. To watch Jesus preach to “the spirits in prison?” It dawned on them that in causing the crucifixion, they slit their own throats. They hadn’t understood it earlier, but now they realized that their wicked scheme had become Jesus’ way of paying for our sins. And as they listened to Jesus explain it all to prisoners in the dark domain (and how could they escape his preaching? He was right in their back yard), a terrifying truth froze them in fear: the world’s worst murder had become the world’s only salvation!
Then three days later, sometime just before the sun crested the mountains, the Spirit of Jesus Christ reunited with his cold body wrapped in linen. In that instant, the body of God moved.
Jesus was alive!
He was no longer dead! Did the inside of the tomb suddenly ignite with lightning when Jesus sat up on the stone slab? I can’t say. But we do know that when the stone was rolled away, it was a triumph over every foe of Christ.
As the hymn goes, “He arose the Victor from the dark domain; how he lives forever with his saints to reign. He arose! He arose! Hallelujah, Christ arose!”
Demons scattered. The rulers of darkness fell back. Dark powers of the spirit realm shook their fists in retreat, for they knew that their leader, Satan, had been defeated. The war between heaven and hell was over.
The Resurrection, however, does not mean the Devil has given up. Even though his fate is sealed and he knows his doom is for sure, he’s going to keep kicking and screaming until the day he is thrown into the Lake of Fire. Yes, there will still be battles and skirmishes because our adversary is not going down without a fight. The Devil may not be able to get at Jesus anymore, but he can sure try to get to us. He can try to get at you. But don’t worry, and do not be afraid. Remember, Jesus is Victor and he is more than able to give you victory over every temptation the Devil may send your way.
Perhaps one temptation you are dealing with this Easter Week is fear and anxiety because of coronavirus. Make no mistake, this nasty virus is inspired by the dark realms, and although God is sovereign over it, Satan still had to get permission to spread it. And maybe, like the Resurrection story, the Devil is hell-bent on wreaking havoc through coronavirus – but you and I know that, like the Easter story, the world’s ‘worst’ pandemic may end up being the world’s best chance for revival!
So, do not fear because if Jesus can rise from the dead, then he can give you strength to say “No” to fear and anxiety. Your Savior can give you strength to say “Yes” to God who always gives hope, help and joy.
All because on this Easter, you have the confidence of Christ, your Victor.
And should you need prayer this week, let us know at Joni and Friends – every day, our team is meeting together to pray for the needs of friends like you. Fear not… God is with you, and Jesus is Victor!
–Joni Eareckson Tada
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