A Quick Bible Lesson…
Be honest, how do you usually feel when you do something good and am maligned for it? I get miffed, even indignant. I think, How dare those people fault me?! Didn’t they see how [insert generous, thoughtful, merciful, or kindhearted] I was? When that happens, I need a reality check. First Peter 2 tells us that when you do good, you will suffer. When you do good, you will be criticized. When you do good, things won’t necessarily get better. When you do good, people will not even care. So how are we suppose to respond? In the next chapter it says, “Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called…” Friend, this is your calling as a follower of Jesus. Not to hurt back. And not to seethe because you’re not allowed to hurt back. Sound impossible? You bet. But with Christ, all things are possible. It’s an important reminder today as you pick up your cross and follow your Savior!