International Students Visit IDC
More than 30 international students studying at Oaks Christian High School visited Joni and Friends to learn about disability ministry (most of them from the People’s Republic of China). I’m sharing my testimony in Christ, as well as encouraging them to consider careers in occupational and physical therapy, and special education. Dan Li (in blue shorts) wrote me afterward: “I came home from JAF thinking about a man I see in a street in Beijing who has no limbs and legs. This man somehow gets himself to a spot in the city and makes a living by using his mouth to write in calligraphy. It is amazing how he does it. But we treat him like a beggar instead of an artist. I wonder, ‘What if that man was given the same respect as we do Joni?’ I wonder whether this man could have been China’s very own version of Joni. In China, those with disability become all the more disabled because of how society treats them.” An astute perspective from this young student – please pray that God will use their time at Oaks Christian to win them to Christ’s side!