Knowing God Better
What is the very best, best way to know God better? Can you guess? By reading what God has said in the Bible! Since this year Joni and Friends Kids’ Corner is learning more about God’s character and promises, we want to spend lots of time studying the Bible. If you are reading the Bible with Joni and Ken this year, you are in the book of Job right now. Job can be a hard book to read because lots of bad things happen to Job. But tomorrow starts the really cool part of the book. Up until now, Job and his friends are trying to understand why God is letting Job hurt in so many ways. They just have to guess, and it gets pretty frustrating. But in Chapter 38 (that is for tomorrow’s reading!) God starts talking! And God has some pretty important things to say about Himself. It is so exciting; you might just want to read tomorrow’s reading, today!