Gray Days of Winter
A school day. Again. It’s cold and it’s dark. Dreary. That’s the way the world seems right now. It’s hard to get excited about anything. Is that the way you feel some mornings? Hold it! Stop! Aren’t you forgetting something? Just because outside isn’t cheerful and warm, it doesn’t mean we can’t be cheerful. Don’t forget the goodness of the Lord! Don’t forget His bright, sun-shiny love on a cold, gloomy Monday morning. This is why the Psalms constantly tell us to remember. Psalm 77 begins, “I will remember…” Remember God is with us constantly, good days and bad, cold days and warm, rainy days and bright days. Our circumstances may change like the weather, but God does not change! So take a minute to pray, “I will remember Your goodness, Lord. I will not forget how kind You are toward me. I will remember what You did for me on the cross, and I will remember Your promise that You are coming again. I will remember—even in this dreary middle of winter—I will remember that You are an awesome God!”