Come, Lord Jesus

By |Published On: December 20, 2022|Categories: Daily Devotional|
A man holding a bible up in the sky in front of the sun.

“When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, ‘Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.’

So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger.”

Luke 2:15-16

Christmas is a busy time of year – and when there are too many parties, and too many errands and cookies to bake, the serene beauty of the First Advent can get crowded out. Contrast the rush of this Christmas season against the arrival of Jesus when he first came to earth. Not much was going on in and around Bethlehem. Jesus did not enter history during a high holy feast. His First Advent attracted very little attention, except for the small group of ragtag shepherds who showed up at the manger. Apart from them and a few animals, Jesus’ entry into the world was quiet.

After those shepherds went back to the fields and the night sky closed its curtain on the angels, everything was suddenly serene and still. It became a night just like any other. No one took notice. In the morning, the Roman soldiers set up their census tables and families busied themselves getting breakfast. In the stable, perhaps a cow was milked, and a few travelers readied their animals for departure. And I wonder – did any of them hear the cry of the newborn infant in the far stall? Did anyone wonder why the shepherds had come and gone in the night?

Certainly not many.

But what a contrast it’ll be when Jesus returns at his Second Advent – he’ll come in thunder, majesty, and great glory.

“‘Look, he is coming with the clouds,’
    and ‘every eye will see him,
even those who pierced him’;
    and all peoples on earth ‘will mourn because of him.’
So shall it be! Amen.”

Revelation 1:7

Every person on earth shall witness his arrival. With the blast of the trumpet and lightning flashing, it won’t be a quiet entry into the world. It will be loud and crashing. Sound a little frightening? Perhaps it should feel that way – at his return, the lost will have lost their chance to come to Christ. However, for those who have trusted in Christ’s redemption, the return of Jesus will be joyous, not terrifying.

The First Advent of Jesus is inextricably linked to his Second appearing. For now, we celebrate that Jesus has come and we wait patiently for his return. But soon – perhaps sooner than we think – lightning will flash from the east to the west and Christ, in all his matchless glory, will set his foot again on earth. And so, as Christmas day approaches, please find a way to share the reason for this wonderful season among your friends, coworkers, or family members who do not know Jesus. The Second Advent is about to break on our horizon… so, let’s tell everyone we can to get ready!

Pray with me: Come, Lord Jesus. Come quickly. Jesus, as I wait for your coming, guide me in helping others prepare for your coming. Remind me to live in light of your first coming and your return.

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