Prayers for Mexico

By |Published On: April 23, 2014|Categories: Wheels For The World|

Patrick and his motherPatrick being fitted for a wheelchair

Patrick’s mom was tired. She was the only one caring for the family. The worst part? Even Patrick couldn’t help her. Or could he? Patrick needs a lot of help because of his disabilities. His mom was trying so hard to take care of everything by herself that she didn’t have the energy to go to church or talk with friends! When one of his neighbors saw how tired Patrick’s mom was, the neighbor told her Joni and Friends could help. When Patrick and his mom came to the Joni and Friends outreach, they saw how much God loves them. If it hadn’t been for Patrick, his mom might never have realized how much she needed God! This Saturday in Mexico, there is an outreach where kids and parents just like Patrick and his mom will be wondering if God loves them. Will you pray for them? Ask God to show each parent and their children that He loves them and accepts them even though they may have disabilities. Pray, too, for the volunteers to have wisdom as they reach out. And finally, please pray that God will build strong ministries to people with disabilities throughout all of Mexico.