Heading for Haiti
Ten of our interns are heading to Haiti today after spending nearly 2 weeks studying disability ministry and the Word of God – their classroom text was Life in the Balance which covers a biblical perspective on the sanctity of life, autism, challenges of special needs families, healthcare, and the genocide of unborn infants with disabilities. This week I had the pleasure of joining the Joni and Friends leadership in ‘praying over’ these remarkable interns. While in Haiti, they will ‘have their eyes opened’ to the desperate plight of disabled people in developing nations, and take action by serving people with disabilities through churches and at orphanages for disabled children. After they return home? They’ll quickly repack and head for one of our Family Retreats. It’s eight weeks of nonstop, intensive hands-on ministry for these interns – the future leaders who will take the gospel of Jesus Christ to disabled people around the world! Join me in praying for these and our other summer interns!