Routine Checkups This Week

By |Published On: July 5, 2012|Categories: News|

Joni in front of handicap parking signWe are halfway through 2012 and, for me, that means regular six-month checkups. Earlier this week it was a blood draw, and tomorrow, it will be a PET scan. Please be praying that the scan will show up any little, renegade cancer cells that may be hanging around (if there are any to be found). Last week when I went into the radiology lab for a mammogram, the waiting room was a little crowded – thankfully, they had a handicap parking place :-). I’ll be certain to let you know the results of all these tests – and, oh, lest I forget, THANK YOU for your wonderful words of congratulation earlier this week on my 30th wedding anniversary with Ken! I LOVED reading your comments on my blog :-).