Who I Am

By |Published On: July 25, 2022|Categories: Daily Devotional|

I love that worship song, “You’re a good, good Father, it’s who you are, and I’m loved by you, it’s who I am.” You could meditate on that line for a month and never exhaust the powerful truth behind it. ‘Cause who are you? You are loved by God. That literally is who you are. Five times in his Gospel the apostle John refers to himself as quote, “the disciple whom Jesus loved.”

Right there, his most important identity is not his name, but being loved by Jesus. My identity and yours; everything you are, everything you’ll ever be is all wrapped up in Christ’s love for you.

You’ve breath because he loves you. You got a name, a family, a mission, all because he loves you. You escaped hell and have a home in heaven because Jesus loves you. It’s who you are. You are loved by the Lord. And that’s your reason to celebrate today.

Why Should We Love the Return of Christ?

Pastor John Piper joins the podcast to share a hopeful vision for the second coming of Jesus. Hear how anticipating the return of Christ can help people who are suffering with hardship and disability today, plus the importance of cultivating a deep love for the Savior as we await his return.

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