Welcome the Light
“Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.”
John 3:20
The other day, Ken caught me looking at a really silly YouTube video. It wasn’t “sinful,” but it wasn’t edifying either – let alone a worthwhile use of my time. When he gave me an odd look, I was embarrassed. He uncovered my foolishness and I felt exposed. Now although it was not that big of a deal, it showed an important principle.
None of us like to be exposed when we choose foolish, empty things. We try to rationalize, shift the blame, defend, explain away our actions. But at the core of our flesh, we are all posers. Sin will always entice us toward mundane, low-life living. But the grace of God always illuminates foolhardy ways, reminding us, “This is not for you… this won’t satisfy… there’s a much better path.” So today, thank God for Jesus, the Light of the World who always exposes a brighter, better way.
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