How to Manage Stress and Avoid Burnout

By |Published On: November 12, 2020|Categories: Podcast|

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“Troubled times causes great anxiety in our hearts… It reveals our weakness and false hopes. It can lead us to desperation, but it can also turn us toward God and teach us where to find real food for our souls.”

Dr. Jay Fine

Has the isolation and anxiety of the past few months caused you to become COVID-weary?

As we approach winter, many people are battling lethargy, malaise, and depression. During this prolonged season of isolation, it can be difficult to tune our own levels of stress.

And as families are challenged by limited support services, this stress can lead to burnout – circumstances simply don’t allow for needed rest and recuperation.

This week on the podcast, psychologist Dr. Jay Fine is back to talk about how to manage stress and avoid burnout.

Recognizing that we are all impacted physically, emotionally, and spiritually during this prolonged season of strain, he is sharing common stress symptoms, how to identify your stressors, and tools for avoiding burn out.

31 Days Toward Overcoming Adversity

Are you feeling a storm raging in your life? Joni takes you not out of the storm you feel you are in, but straight into the eye. Because there in the center is a calm, quiet place where confidence, strength, and even joy can be found.

Joni offers daily inspiration that shows you the remarkable in the midst of the impossible.

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