A Wise Warning
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and sometimes when my husband Ken asks me to do something for him, he’ll repeat it. And maybe he’ll repeat it two or three times. That can be irritating. But sometimes we need to be reminded of important things, especially things that make a difference in our lives spiritually. In Matthew 6, Jesus repeats himself more than several times when he says, “Do not worry about your life…or about your body…. [for] who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” And then he goes on to say six times, “Do not worry.” The Lord was wise in repeating that warning because he knows our propensity to be anxious; he knows the devastating effects of worrying: like loss of joy and hope. So, if there’s something you are worrying about today, flip open to Matthew 6. Why? Because we all need a friend like Jesus, who does not mind repeating a wise warning for our good.
© Joni and Friends
31 Days Toward Intimacy with God
In this 31-day devotional, Joni leads you into green pastures of encouragement, and helps you through the twists and turns of disappointment with wisdom from God’s Word.