COVID-19 Cannot Stop The Love Of Jesus!

By |Published On: June 9, 2020|Categories: Inspiration, Stories|

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”

Proverbs 11:25

Churches may still be empty due to social distancing regulations, but that can’t stop the love and power of Christ from reaching the last, the least and the lost. All over the country, Joni and Friends staff and volunteers continue to point families living with disability to Jesus in new and creative ways, making it possible for even more people to hear the Gospel message day after day.

And while we’re eagerly anticipating the start of our Family Retreat season, we’re not sitting idle as we wait for retreat centers to re-open. Quite the contrary! Our Area Ministry offices host weekly virtual gatherings so special needs families can experience God’s love, joy, and hope through the hardship of sheltering at home. 

Two O’clock Tuesdays are a big hit on the east coast. Just take a look at CJ, who has autism, enjoying a fun, interactive Bible lesson with his brothers in Pennsylvania. “The Bible verse and story were on point!” said CJ’s mom. “The whole thing was so much fun and a nice break for me as they were all entertained for almost an hour and a half! What a gift!”

The relentless demands of caring for children with disabilities with their complicated medical, educational, and behavioral needs while at home 24/7 make the respite offered by Two O’clock Tuesdays a much needed blessing to special needs moms and dads. We will not stop serving while sheltering in place!

Family Retreat at Home is another powerful example proving that when times are at their worst, Christ-followers must be at their best. While traditional Family Retreats are being rescheduled due to coronavirus restrictions, God has made it possible to deliver hope and the Gospel to children and adults impacted by disability through our brand-new online program called Family Retreat at Home.

Similar to our in-person events, Family Retreat at Home includes worship songs, Bible lessons, devotionals from pastors, crafts, and fun! And while we can’t wait to resume our in-person Family Retreat season in July, this stay-at-home version declares that COVID-19 cannot silence the Gospel message – desperately needed by families living with disability now more than ever. 

Our kingdom ministry will not stop!

We are sharing hope through hardship in all of our programs, as well as through our dynamic Response Team ministry.

Every day, our Response Team hears from people all over the world through phone calls, emails, Facebook, and text messages. Many have absolutely no one to talk to and often nowhere else to turn. The emotional intensity of their rejection, isolation, and loneliness has been significantly magnified through this global pandemic. 

That’s why our Response Team members like Tracey are kicking into overdrive day after day – providing prayer, encouragement, information, resources, and biblical inspiration to special needs individuals who are struggling with fear and anxiety at even deeper levels during this worldwide health crisis.

They need the saving hope of Jesus and the connection of a disability friendly church in their area. 

And they need your prayers and support! Social distancing can’t stop the power of prayer. “The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results” (James 5:16).

So while COVID-19 may still be prohibiting gatherings of large numbers, we can all still intercede on behalf of children and adults with disabilities – even when we’re home alone.  

When it feels like the world is filled with darkness and suffering, Christ-followers can cover the planet in prayer… and pray for God’s glory to cover and comfort the earth! Go to today for our daily prayer requests and be part of our worldwide prayer team. On behalf of the most marginalized people group in society, we need you!

Together we must keep shining the light of Christ into the darkest corners of the country and the world. The need remains great, but our Savior remains greater! 

Pray With Us

We invite you to join us in prayer for our ministry activities, outreaches, and the incredible people we serve! Thank you for bringing our requests before the Lord.

You can also sign up to receive monthly prayer request updates via email!

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