Always Give Thanks
Recently, it was really driven home to me how good it is to give thanks. This is Joni Eareckson Tada and I was reading in Luke chapter 17 the story about the ten men with leprosy who met Jesus. “Have pity on us,” they cried, and so Jesus told them to go see the priest. As they all rushed away, they became healed. Now, you would have thought they would’ve stopped short in their tracks, and run back to thank Jesus. But all of them kept running, except the Bible says, “One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back. Praising God in a loud voice he threw himself at the feet of Jesus and he thanked Him.” Wow, that’s a lesson to me. ‘Cause how many times do we see God answer prayer, yet we fail to stop and give thanks. We even forget to thank people around us.
So in everything today, be sure to express your gratitude, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. That’s your little diamond in the dust for today.