Lovingkindness Is A Noun
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. Forty years ago, when I moved into our new home, I looked outside and I delighted to see a mourning dove suddenly light on the backyard fence. I decided right then, whenever I’d see a dove on that fence, it would be a reminder of the presence of the Holy Spirit over our home. And guess what? Last Saturday afternoon, I wheeled over to our window to spend a few minutes in prayer, and a mourning dove settled on our backyard fence. Psalm 42 says, “The Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime.” What a wondrous thing for the Lord to say. He’ll command His lovingkindness toward you. God is treating his own lovingkindness not as a verb, but as a noun. And a noun is something that’s tangible and touchable. A visible reminder, just like that dove on my fence. Today, delight in the visible reminders of God’s lovingkindness in your life.