The Marathon
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and recently my sister-in-law Carol entered the LA Marathon. But halfway through? That was it. No more. That middle stretch was agony and she was bone tired. You know, often it is the middle stretch in life that seems the most tiring. When you are miles beyond all the joy when you first believed in Christ, and yet you are still miles away from the finish tape when you’ll enter the joy of heaven. Well, the Apostle Paul felt that way, and so he rallies himself in Philippians chapter 3. And he says to his weary friends, “Press toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ… strive toward the upward call of God.” And that, friend, is a good word for you today. You may be in the middle stretch of this marathon called the Christian life. But now’s not the time to slack off. Today, press toward the mark and strive toward the upward call.