Circulating Gratitude
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. Recently, Ken and I got together for dinner with our extended family, and it was unlike any meal we’d ever had. Everyone was so grateful. Because you see, last year, I underwent a second cancer surgery. I had 35 rounds of radiation, and then last year I landed in the hospital for two weeks with pneumonia and a new condition called pulmonary hypertension. Things didn’t look too good back then! And as we shared together as a family, we all had this sobering sense of how fragile, how frail life really is. We are so like James 4, where the Holy Spirit tells us, “How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? It’s just a vapor, appearing for a little while, and then vanishing.” Oh, friend, every day is a gift from God! So, as you plan a family gathering this month, set the stage to remind each other of how fragile life is. And then, together as a family, be grateful.
© Joni and Friends
31 Days Toward Intimacy with God
In this 31-day devotional, Joni leads you into green pastures of encouragement, and helps you through the twists and turns of disappointment with wisdom from God’s Word.