God is The Author of Life

I took my daughter, Sarah, to an interactive science museum on New Year’s Eve. We had a blast playing with and learning from all the various exhibits. It brought such joy to my heart every time Sarah got engaged in a new activity. I couldn’t help but notice her eyes light up with excitement and understanding with every discovery, big or small.
As the hours passed, I noticed a few other things, too. First and foremost, I realized that of the hundreds of children at the museum on that special day, Sarah was the only one with a disability. Not only was she the only one with Down syndrome, she was the only child there with a disability of any kind. Where were the children with autism, or cerebral palsy, or muscular dystrophy? The museum was completely accessible. Where were the children who use wheelchairs?
Sarah moved from one exhibit to another, and I contemplated the situation. Perhaps all the other special needs families in the area simply had other things to do on December 31st. Maybe they were off having fun elsewhere. Or maybe, just maybe, they had gone to similar events in the past only to feel unwelcomed or unwanted. Could it be that their parents felt the sting of their child being rejected and decided it would be easier to just stay home?
That thought hurt my heart, but what I pondered next caused me to stop short. What if the reason that there weren’t any other children with disabilities there, was because they had been aborted?
Since abortion was legalized in 1973, at least one million babies have been aborted every year.
And I can tell you from my own first-hand experience that when disability is detected through ultrasound or some other prenatal testing, abortion is promptly offered as a quick fix for the perceived problem. Pastor Tony Evans calls abortion America’s Holocaust, and with so many members of each generation being aborted, it’s no wonder that children with disabilities are increasingly missing from society.
It made me sad to think of all those lives lost, yet very grateful that Sarah was there with me showing everyone else at the museum what the glory of God looks like on display in her life. That’s the other thing I noticed – that other parents smiled as they watched Sarah having fun. The museum staff delighted in helping her explore everything they had to offer. And the other children… well, they either didn’t seem to notice that Sarah was any different than them – which is a beautiful thing all on its own – or they seemed pleasantly surprised that Sarah was able to enjoy the museum so much, just like them.
God is the Author of life. He expects us to celebrate life and protect life. All human life. This month, during Sanctity of Human Life Month, bless the Lord and bless the special needs families He brings into your life by praying for them, giving them encouragement, and offering them practical help as much as you’re able. And when you’re out somewhere in a public place and notice a family affected by disability, don’t be shy. Smile, say hello, and make them feel grateful that they took their beautiful child out into the world and let the glory of God shine brightly. As we collectively take a stand for life, perhaps one day abortion will become unthinkable.
Written By—Shauna Amick
My Baby Has a Disability: Life-Giving Questions and Answers
Your world has just been rocked with news that the baby you’re expecting has been diagnosed with a significant disability. Your hopes and plans are crumbling—and fears and questions are rising to take their place. Shauna Amick shares her story of having a child prenatally diagnosed with Down syndrome.