The Luke 14 Project: Planting Gospel Seeds

By |Published On: September 16, 2020|Categories: Luke 14 Project|

“For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.”

Luke 19:10

As Luke 14 Project partners you are friends to the lonely and rejected around the world, including children like Puumi in Thailand who are seen as cursed because of his disability.

In a country like Thailand, disability is believed to be a result of bad karma and blamed on the sins of the parents. Because of this, parents often cannot endure the stigma and shame of raising a child with a disability.

In Puumi’s case, he was abandoned by his mother and left to be raised by his grandmother, Wanida, at just 1 year old. Even though he was born a healthy baby boy, he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at 4 months, and his mother couldn’t endure the shame she received from her community.

This precious young boy knows too well the feelings of abandonment, shame, and isolation because of his disability…

Grandma Wanida does her best to take care of Puumi and all his needs. She sells noodles from her home to help cover the cost of some of Puumi’s medical needs, but it will never be enough…they have so little. A wheelchair for her grandson was an impossible dream.

Grandma Wanida loves Puumi dearly and often worries who will look after him and love him like she does when she dies…

Jesus heard their cries and prayers, and He answered them through the Luke 14 Project. At our wheelchair distribution in Thailand, a team of physical therapists, mechanics, and volunteers worked for hours to make sure Puumi was seated properly in his new wheelchair!

But what is even more important is that Puumi received a Bible in Thai. Gospel seeds were planted in his heart and in his grandmother’s that day.

Instead of being the object of great dishonor and abandonment, Puumi now knows he is fearfully and wonderfully made and loved by his creator.

Grandma Wanida (who is Buddhist) wanted to share a message with you, “Thank you very much for sending this wheelchair for Puumi. I hope you will be happy and healthy!”

But there are thousands more children like Puumi waiting… The need has never been greater than now! Around the world, Luke 14 Project partners are making it possible for those that are rejected by their communities to find hope in Jesus.

People with disabilities in developing nations have so little – countless numbers of physically-impaired children and adults live without basic medical care of any kind, without mobility, and without a trace of help or hope in sight. They need you to step in right now with the compassion of Jesus and hands-on help!

Support Joni and Friends

Help us transform more lives through sharing the gospel, providing much-needed wheelchairs, and ministering to needy families!

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