My First Cowboy

By |Published On: September 9, 2019|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|
A horse with a long dark mane in the middle of a field of tall grass standing and staring at the camera.

This is Joni Eareckson TadaWhen I broke my neck, I fell into a sullen, dark mood. But that didn’t bother my occupational therapistShe put a little table under the Stryker frame—where my face was being supported by cushioned straps —and on that table, she placed a slab of clayThen, she gave me a wooden dowel for me to clench in my teethShe said, Joni, I’ve heard you like horses, so draw one.”  I thought she was crazy, but slowly, I dug into that wet clayWhen she saw my etching of a cowboy on a horse, she was stunnedAnd for the first time, I realized my head wasn’t paralyzed like my handsAnd I couldn’t wait to encourage my family with my drawings. The Bible says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you’ve received to serve others.” And it’s exactly what I did. Friend, God has given you talentsSo, faithfully use them. Why? To serve others!

© Joni and Friends

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