Homeward Bound

By |Published On: June 4, 2019|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|
A mountain road surrounded by dead grass overlooking a vibrant sunset.

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. And I remember when, after hours of horseback riding on trails beyond our farm, my weary horse would slow her pace and drag her feet; that is, until she recognized the fences of her own pasture. Then all of a suddenon the trail she would lift her headpick up her pace until she reached the trough where she’d take a long, cool drinkYou could tell my horse felt happy to be home! And in the same way, it’ll be good for us to feel at home in heaven! No more struggling against sin! Hebrews chapter 4 is like a drink of cool water after a hard trail when it says, There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God… So, today friend lift up your head; don’t drag your feet; step up the pace and “Make it your ambition to be pleasing to [the Lord]. Let Jesus be your focus as you live life homeward bound for the pasture gates of heaven. Because it’s closer than you think.


Your Real Home…From a Higher Perspective

For the past twenty-five years, Heaven has inspired us to live well on earth even as we long for eternity.

Drawing on Scripture, Joni Eareckson Tada answers the deepest questions of our hearts about what heaven will be like, who we will see there, and who we will be there.

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