God Hath Not Promised

By |Published On: March 3, 2019|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada and sometimes life is a little like this poem from Helen Steiner Rice. She wrote, “God hath not promised sun without rain, joy without sorrow, or peace without pain…but God has promised strength for today, grace for trials, and help on the way.” Look, friend, God knows that life has challenges. And, after my accident, when I fell into the pit of depression? God rescued me. He strengthened my heart through encouraging notes filled with Scripture. It’s why Hebrews chapter 3 says, “Encourage one another daily…” God knows how hard life can be, and it’s why he commands us to encourage one another, and to do it daily.

So, speak hope into a troubled heart today, and never view encouragement as too small a ministry. It has more power than you realize, says the lady smiling in the wheelchair.

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