Climbing Upward

By |Published On: September 30, 2024|Categories: Daily Devotional|

“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 3:13-14

When I jot a note, I always sign off with, “onward and upward.” Like Philippians 3, “forgetting what lies behind, I press on.” Now… I cannot walk, but I’m always pressing onward and upward. JR Miller said that “Every stage in life is a climbing upward. Slowly, step-by-step, we rise in the heavenward way, upward in our spiritual life, like going up a ladder. We ought always to be climbing upward, though it be hard. God bears us to heaven, but our feet must do the climbing. And as we struggle upward, there is never a moment we cannot ask for divine help to strengthen our weary heart. Divine companionship is promised, every step of the toilsome way, until we get home.” Home. Isn’t that a great word? So, get climbing the heavenward way, onward and upward.

A headshot of Philip Yancey smiling at the camera.

Why Doesn’t God Remove Our Pain?

Philip Yancey, a renowned author and avid investigator of the mysteries of the Christian faith, joins Crystal Keating for a deep and honest conversation you won’t want to miss. No stranger to wrestling with doubt and suffering, Philip often writes about encountering God in our pain.

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