Biblical Training for You

By |Published On: November 21, 2014|Categories: News|

Tyson Snedeker

One of my favorite Bible training websites is These friends are completely dedicated to equipping God’s people in the Word… with no tuition. Lots of my friends with disabilities are earning their degrees in biblical education by going online to this well-respected website. And Joni and Friends is working hard to connect more special-needs families to this great opportunity for Christian education. My friend, Tyson Snedeker (pictured here) is paralyzed, ventilator-dependent, and severely vision-impaired. But with the help of Judy, his note-taker, the sky’s the limit! If you are home bound and unable to attend college – or if you know someone with a disability who wants to study God’s Word – tell them about Or check it out for yourself today!

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