Sunday Reflections: My Mark of Ownership

By |Published On: June 7, 2015|Categories: News|

Joni showing her neck scarAfter I broke my neck, surgeons had to open up the front of my neck in order to fuse interior of the two cervical vertebrae I had broken. For months after that surgery, I tried so hard to cover up that 4” ugly red gash in the front of my neck — Vitamin E, makeup … turtleneck sweaters (yes, even in the summer!). But with time, the scar began to fade — and my attitude about that scar changed as well. In Galatians 6:17 the Apostle Paul says, “From now on, don’t let anyone trouble me with these things. For I bear on my body the scars that show I belong to Jesus.” Just like the apostle, the gash on my neck is God’s mark of ownership on me, a scar that shows I belong to Jesus in a very unique and special way. What’s God’s mark of ownership on you? Perhaps your scars are a pair of crutches or an insulin pump; whatever it be, take a minute to boast in it and tell others that you belong to Jesus.