Joni’s Favorite Verse: Jeremiah 29:11

By |Published On: June 8, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

Joni and Friends readingAt Kids’ Corner we’ve been taking some time recently to look at some of Joni’s favorite verses. We’re discovering that she has lots of them! One of them is Jeremiah 29:11 which says, “‘I know the plans I have for you,’ announces the Lord. ‘I want you to enjoy success. I do not plan to harm you. I will give you hope for the years to come'” (NIrV). Joni likes this verse because it is encouraging to think about God wanting us to enjoy success and have hope. But when Joni talks about liking this verse, she wants to make sure people remember when God said this. God said these words as an encouragement to His people as their enemies were forcing them out of their homes. To us, that doesn’t sound like they were enjoying success. But that’s because we need to remember that God has more important success in mind for us. God wants to make us more like Jesus Christ. Lots of times, it isn’t fun to grow and change to be more like Jesus. It is a lot more fun to pout that your brother gets to do something and you don’t than it is to instead be kind and generous. But the lasting joy in heaven is so much better! And that is what God’s plan is for you. So when you are having a bad day or a bad year, remember that God has great plans for you!

; border: 5px solid thistle; margin-right: 15px;” title=”Joni and Friends reading” src=”” alt=”Joni and Friends reading” width=”350″ height=”280″ />At Kids’ Corner we’ve been taking some time recently to look at some of Joni’s favorite verses. We’re discovering that she has lots of them! One of them is Jeremiah 29:11 which says, “‘I know the plans I have for you,’ announces the Lord. ‘I want you to enjoy success. I do not plan to harm you. I will give you hope for the years to come'” (NIrV). Joni likes this verse because it is encouraging to think about God wanting us to enjoy success and have hope. But when Joni talks about liking this verse, she wants to make sure people remember when God said this. God said these words as an encouragement to His people as their enemies were forcing them out of their homes. To us, that doesn’t sound like they were enjoying success. But that’s because we need to remember that God has more important success in mind for us. God wants to make us more like Jesus Christ. Lots of times, it isn’t fun to grow and change to be more like Jesus. It is a lot more fun to pout that your brother gets to do something and you don’t than it is to instead be kind and generous. But the lasting joy in heaven is so much better! And that is what God’s plan is for you. So when you are having a bad day or a bad year, remember that God has great plans for you!