The Impulse to Pray

By |Published On: November 27, 2023|Categories: Daily Devotional|

Jesus says in Luke 18 that “men ought always to pray.” But sometimes the Spirit asks us to pray at the oddest times and in strange places, like in your office cubicle while working on a deadline; he might ask you to pray in the laundry room while folding towels, or to pray for the person in front of you in the grocery check-out line.

But wherever and whenever, always respond to every impulse to pray. Obey the Spirit’s nudging. Never resist his impulse or never push it aside because you’re too busy. Yield to it, even when you’re not accustomed to dropping everything in order to pray, for it is during those inconvenient times that God may be doing even greater things through your prayers than you could ever imagine. Like the salvation of that person in the grocery check-out line.

How Can We Pray for You?

If you need prayer or support of any kind, please contact our team. We would love to partner in prayer with you as your brothers and sisters in Christ.