FedEx Freight Supports in Transporting Wheelchairs
FedEx Freight is working with Joni and Friends International Disability Center to transport used wheelchairs from local collection sites to correctional facilities where they are restored. Since the beginning of the year, FedEx Freight has transported 1,734 wheelchairs to locations throughout the country for restoration. Joni and Friends then uses container ships to deliver newly reconstructed wheelchairs to countries such as China, Cuba, Ghana, India and Thailand. In these countries, volunteers of Joni and Friends’ Wheels for the World outreach ministry fit each wheelchair to the recipient’s individual needs and provide training in its use and upkeep.
Joni and Friends collects more than 10,000 wheelchairs each year.
“FedEx Freight has been a tremendous blessing to Joni and Friends’ Wheels for the World,” said Elizabeth Kelly, senior coordinator for Wheels for the World. “We could not collect and transport the volume of wheelchairs that we do, without their generous donated transportation. Their desire to give back to those in need is demonstrated by their uncompromising professionalism and service to non-profit organizations like us.”
Mike Zanolli, vice president, Regional Operations, has been involved in charitable moves for Joni and Friends for nearly a decade. “FedEx Freight is pleased to help Joni and Friends’ efforts by moving older wheelchairs to locations where they are rebuilt and restored,” Zanolli said. “Through the use of our resources and network, we are able to help make a difference to so many throughout the world.”