Why God Wants You To Sing

By |Published On: July 25, 2019|Categories: 4-Minute Radio Program|

Joni and Friends is a place of singing. Hi, I’m Joniwith an anthem from my heart:

All the way my Savior leads me,  

Cheers each winding path I tread, 

Gives me grace for every trial,  

Feeds me on the living bread. 

Though my weary steps may falter,  
And my soul athirst may be, 

Gushing from the Rock before me,  

Lo! a spring of joy I see, 

Gushing from the Rock before me,  

Lo! a spring of joy I see.

As you know, I love to sing to the Lord. For me, sitting in this wheelchair, it’s all about singing and obedience. Because the Bible says that singing is not an option; it’s a command. A command we’ve gotta obey. A command in Colossians chapter 3, and in Ephesians chapter 5, and lots of other places. We are not just invited to sing; God flat out tells us to sing. So, when you sing praises to God, guess what? You’re obeying Him; you are doing what God wants you to do.  

And not long ago I learned that when you follow God’s command and sing hymns and spiritual songs, there is a promise attached to it. We’re promised that the word of Christ will dwell in us richly. 

I read that in an article by Tom Olson, who said that singing hymns provides lessons in theology. And he made a great example of the modern hymn, “In Christ Alone.” You probably have all the stanzas memorized, or at least close to it. And if you do, guess what? You’ve got a thorough theology of the cross of Jesus Christ with clear and practical applications that you can use for your life! So, keep memorizing timeless hymns of the faith and solid songs of worship. It’s a way of learning the great Christian doctrines on which your convictions are founded. 

Now, I could go on and on here, but the Bible says it so much better. I mean, listen to some of these commandsPsalm 9 says: “I will be glad and exult in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High.” And then again, in Psalm 59 it says, “I will sing of Your strength; I will sing aloud of Your steadfast love in the morning. For You have been to me a fortress and a refuge in my day of distress.” And one of my favorite verses from Psalm 63, “For You have been my help, O Lord, and in the shadow of Your wings I will sing for joy.” But the Bible verse that got me singing in the first place? Well, I started singing through my suffering when my depression in the hospital began to lift and a friend showed me James chapter 5 verse 13: “Is anyone cheerful? Then let him sing praise.” Oh, my goodness, God rescued me from depression, so why shouldn’t I sing?! And one of the first hymns that I memorized when I got out of that hospital and I began cheerfully singing, is the one I just sang for you today: All the way my Savior leads me, cheers each winding path I treadgives me grace for every trial, and feeds me with the living bread. Wow! 

Friend, if God has done great things for you, I trust you’ll obey His command, and today sing His praise. Because if you’re cheerful in Him, the Bible commands in James chapter 5 verse 13, “Let him sing praise to the Lord.” 

© Joni and Friends


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