When You Walk Through The Fire

By |Published On: September 1, 2020|Categories: 4-Minute Radio Program|
Close up of a bench with fallen autumn leaves laying on it.

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada and welcome to “Joni and Friends. 

And you really need a friend when you are struggling through – well, how about ovarian cancer. Yikes. So painful, so demandingAnd because September is the month when we raise awareness on ovarian cancer, I simply gotta tell you the story of my dear friend, Bobbie WolgemuthShe was diagnosed many years ago with stage 4 ovarian cancer. It started back in, I think it was 2013; a long and difficult battle. And even though Bobbie is home in heaven now, I gotta tell you her story because even now, years later, I am still talking about her and drawing courage from the way she valiantly fought her cancerAnd here’s a reason her example helps me this day 

You see, Bobbie once told me – and I wrote this down years ago; she wrote, “Joni, I’m at complete peace about dying, but I told my doctor two days ago that one thing I did fear was painWell, after I left his office and when I got home and rested, I heard God say to me, ‘Bobbie, why did you tell your doctor that? Haven’t I seen you through pain in years past? Didn’t I see Stephen, the martyr who was stoned to death; did not I see him through his pain as he was being stoned? [How about Daniel and Peter and Paul?]And did not I see all the martyrs of centuries past who were burned or stoned or thrown to lions; didn’t I see them through their pain? And wasn’t I able to sustain my Son, Jesus, through the pain of his cross? Bobbie, I won’t abandon you; I won’t forget you; I will be with you every step of the way.’” 

Can you see why her words inspire me? Man, I want to die like that; I really do. And I deal with chronic pain every day, and I still reflect on her wordsRemember, Joni, the many Christians who have gone before you, all of them trusting God through their pain; remember Isaiah 43: “When you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over youWhen you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablazeFor I am the Lord, your God.” Now to be sure, God is not saying that floods and fire will never physically harm you. Yep, your skin will burn, alright. But what he is saying is that your soul will not be burned up; it won’t be swept away; your soul will not be set ablaze and destroyedGod has removed from you the only kind of suffering that can ever harm you, and that is separation from himThis means that all suffering that touched Bobbie’s life – and all suffering that still, even now, touches my life, or your life – all of it is designed by God to make your soul greatAll pain and hardship is designed by God to strengthen your soul through the flood of trials and to refine your faith through the fire of your pain 

So, learn a lesson from my friend BobbieNo, actually, learn the lesson from StephenLearn it from Daniel and Peter and the Apostle PaulAnd here it is – remember this: There is no pain, no suffering that can ever, ever separate you from the love of GodFriend, if today you are battling cancer, if you are struggling against pain, visit joniradio.org and ask for your free copy of “Don’t Waste Your Cancer” by DrJohn PiperAnd while you’re there, let me know how the Joni and Friends team and I can pray for youLike DrPiper says in his booklet, “Cancer does not win if you die; it only wins if you fail to cherish Jesus Christ.” So, learn to cherish Jesus as Bobbie did; learn it at joniradio.org. Again that’s joniradio.org.  

And one more thing, we here at Joni and Friends would love to pray for you in your troubles. So, share with us your prayer need today at joniradio.org.  

© Joni and Friends 

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Don’t Waste Your Cancer

How are we as Christians called to respond when cancer invades our lives, whether our own bodies or those of our friends and family? On the eve of his own cancer surgery, John Piper writes with compassion and strength about cancer as an opportunity to glorify God and make much of Jesus. “Don’t Waste Your Cancer” is a hope-giving resource for anyone touched by cancer or other life-threatening illnesses.

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