The Joy Of A Hug
I’ve learned so much about happiness and ministry through Sarah.
And why not, when your teacher is a young lady with Down syndrome. My 15-year-old friend Sarah is fearfully and wonderfully made, as the Bible describes it. Yes, children with Down syndrome are created in the image of God, and especially so given Sarah’s joy, her gladness, her happiness, her utter delight in simply being who she is. If there is any attribute of God’s that Sarah reflects well, it is his joy. And it’s his joy that gives Sarah a head-start on embracing her spiritual gifts. Because this kid is all about using her happy gifts to encourage other followers of Jesus. First, my young friend with Down syndrome is quite the prayer warrior. She absolutely loves to worship, confess, petition, intercede, give thanks! She prays before meals, she prays before Communion, and she’s always first to volunteer when anybody asks if somebody would like to pray in a group setting. I love it when Sarah steps up to the plate, and in front of a group, big or small, she will pray out loud. I love it because her language skills are so very limited, and she’s often difficult to understand. But that’s okay. Hearing the passion and enthusiasm with which she prays, you get the idea that angels are rejoicing. Jesus is probably the only one who fully knows what Sarah is praying, but that’s fine with everyone in the group, for they know that God is really listening.
But my friend with Down syndrome really shines in what we call her hug ministry. Because this girl’s an encourager. God has given her a strong sense of compassion for others, and she’s really quick to notice when someone’s hurting or downcast. She might not even know the person’s name, but she’ll come right up, give a pat on the hand or a pat on the back, a pat on the cheek – and all of it with an expression of tenderness and deep sympathy. And if the recipient is willing, Sarah is more than happy to share the love of God through a big hug. And when you get a hug from someone with Down syndrome, accompanied by, you know, a little pat-pat on the back, you know you are experiencing the touch of Christ. It’s not unlike Luke chapter 15 where the first thing the father of the returning prodigal did, his first action, was to hug his child. To feel someone’s arms around you – the joy of feeling someone’s love in a tangible way – now that has healing power.
And Sarah seems to instinctively know this. For her, hugs are a ministry; and besides, she doesn’t have to say anything – which is good, because she can’t say many words. Sarah will welcome people to church with a big hug, and she will go to a Joni and Friends Family Retreat and make the rounds, hugging everybody. Does it have an impact? You bet it does. Studies even show that babies need hugs as much as they need food and water, and I know that a hug from Sarah always lifts my spirits. Hey, you know what? Today, believe it or not, is National Hugging Day. And yeah, I realize we’re all observing COVID restrictions, but if it’s safe and appropriate, give a heartfelt hug, would you? Hey, even if, especially it’s a family member. And if you’d like to learn more about my friend Sarah, you simply must see some wonderful photos of her that I’ve posted on And, oh, while you’re there, ask for her story; it’s called “From Fear to Hope.” Because we sure do love sharing hope and hugs through all of your hardships.
© Joni and Friends

From Fear to Hope
After learning through ultrasound that her daughter, Sarah, would be born with Down syndrome and a potentially fatal heart defect, Shauna Amick cried out to God in desperation. In this little booklet, Shauna shares about how God met her in her desperation and miraculously granted her a new perspective. As you read her story, you will be inspired to move from fear to hope in whatever difficult circumstances you may be facing.