Ten Years of Bible Reading

By |Published On: December 29, 2017|Categories: 4-Minute Radio Program|

I’m reading it along with my husband Ken from beginning to end this year as we do every year. We have done this ten years and coming up on 2018 it will be our 11th year of reading through God’s Word together using a chronological reading schedule. And you know what? We never grow tired of going through the biblical story of redemption. And last year, hundreds signed up to join Ken and me, and I received so many wonderful emails from people who used our chronological reading schedule. Yes, I know that reading the Bible through a year is a daunting task, and there are plenty of parts in the Bible, like that first couple of chapters of 1 Chronicles and parts of Leviticus where you honestly feel like giving up. So, it helps when you are reading along with others; you have a little bit of the accountability. In fact, listen to this email I received from Nancy who joined us last year. She wrote:

“Joni, I am so grateful you encouraged your listeners to join you and your husband in reading through the Bible with you this year. I attempted doing so years ago, but became bogged down in Leviticus and I gave up! I am tremendously enjoying my daily reading now. I’ve struggled in my quiet time and prayer for years, and I really didn’t have one until last year! I am praising God from whom all blessings flow for how He’s patiently and lovingly guiding me into all truth and teaching and He’s shown me His great ‘steadfast love’ and mercy, the mercy He has toward me. And Joni, thank you for your monthly emails which highlights the passage we are reading. It gives me more insight. My heart is so full some days after my quiet time that I can hardly contain myself. I usually share on Facebook what God has revealed to me hoping it will encourage someone who might need it! God is good and I’m thankful for your encouragement to spur me on to keep reading through the Bible this year! You are a blessing to me and I thank you for that!”

Now friend, that is a special testimony. And I hope Nancy signs up to read with us in 2018. Of course I will be sending all those who sign up my monthly emails that describe the passage we are reading and more insight. You don’t have to sign up, but you can go to my radio page at joniandfriends.org and download the chronological ‘Through the Bible in a Year’ reading schedule. Print it out and fold it in the front of your Bible. Or snap an iPhone photo and keep it in your favorites for quick reference (that’s what Ken and I do when we are on the road). Or, write me at Joni and Friends, P.O. Box 3333, Agoura Hills, CA 91376 and ask for your chronological Bible reading schedule and we will get it off to you in the mail right away.

There are so many wonderful promises in God’s Word related to reading the Bible. There’s this heartwarming command from Joshua Chapter 1 verse 8 which says, “Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” Well, you can’t help but meditate on God’s Word when you’re reading it every day. And not just reading it, but doing it in such a way so you can understand the flow of biblical history, like which prophets go with which kings; and where Job fits into the scheme of things; and how the things Solomon did toward the end of his reign impacted the nation of Israel from then on out. You’ll see it all and more when you join us in reading through the Bible in 2018. So, we’ll see you later at joniandfriends.org/radio where you can download your schedule. Oh and by the way, Happy, Happy New Year! Thanks for listening today on Joni and Friends.

© Joni and Friends

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