Take Heart

By |Published On: February 17, 2020|Categories: 4-Minute Radio Program|

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada with an assuring word from Jesus. 

Yes, it is from the mouth of your Savior directly to you todayBecause if you are struggling, no matter what the hardship; if your heart is troubled, Jesus speaks this to you from Matthew 14:27He says, “Take heart; it is IDo not be afraid.” Now, I want you to picture; I want you to just imagine God speaking those words over you, actually to you today. He’s saying, “Don’t be afraidIf your strength is low, have courageFrom the mouth of the Most High to you, Take heart.’” God knows how to furnish courage to a fearful heart; He knows how to parcel joy to a sad heartHe knows how to give strength to a weak heart. 

My friend David Mathis of Desiring God Ministries has something to say about thisDavid writes, “When Jesus speaks to us, one of the most distinctive words we hear is Take heart. He does not say, Follow your heart, but TAKE them … remind them of who He is, what He has done, and what He will do[Jesus] rolls back the stone and speaks into the tomb of your soulHe creates what He commands, as He says with sovereign sway, Take heart. … He who says, ‘Take heart,’ also says, ‘I AM.’ 

David goes on to describe that terrifying moment on the sea of Galilee, when the hearts of the disciples were deeply shaken: “Theyre terrifiedThey cry out in fearBut Jesus speaks … to them: Take heart; it is IDo not be afraid. Literally, His words are Take heart, I AM – [of course] which has a double meaning: It is I, Jesus, whom you know … I am the Great I AM. As when Moses asked for God’s name, and He said, I AM Who I AM [from Exodus], so Jesus now declares to His disciples, [to you,] AM. When Jesus tells us to take heart, He does so as God HimselfI am God, and there is no other, He saysI am your CreatorI am the God of Abraham, Isaac, JacobI am God Himself, made human, dwelling among you – and I am FOR youDo not be afraidYou are under my watch and [my] care, and no storm, however great, can match my power and protection[So,] take heart; I AMYou have the attention of God Himself.” 

Boy, those words from David Mathis sure are encouraging. You know, friend, when you are suffering, when you have great needs; when you are filled with sorrow and you cry out with that beggar alongside the road in Mark chapter 10, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me, Jesus is not inattentive to that pleadingEven though you cannot see him, in the midst of that crowd – yes, even on the side of the road where the beggar was sitting – even in the middle of the noise and the mayhem, you’ve got His attention; He is moving toward you to heal you and bless and extend His grace to you. 

David Mathis also recounts another well-known, “take heart” statement from John chapter 16 when Jesus was in the Upper Roomthe night before He diedat a time when no one would have thought less of Him for thinking of Himself only. He turns to His disciples and says, “In the world youll have tribulationBut take heart; Ive overcome the world.” Oh, friend, don’t miss it. It’s a truth to rehearse time and againWhen your courage is faltering, take hold of your heart and remind it of things that are trueJesus has overcome the worldThe shadow of your suffering will passAnd He will see you through to the darkest valley, so take heart. If you’d like to read the entire article by David Mathis, just visit us Joniradio.org.

© Joni and Friends 


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