Praying For Our Current Crisis

By |Published On: April 22, 2020|Categories: 4-Minute Radio Program|
Close up of a twig with wilting flowers on it.

Hi, I’m Joni, and your prayers are needed like never before.

You know, all of us are slowly developing new rhythms of life – new ways to connect with each other, with our families; new daily routines. Like, this past Sunday, Ken and I watched our morning worship service online and, then afterward, had a light lunch at our kitchen table. And after that, we did our “Through the Bible in a Year” reading, and then, got out our brand-new prayer list. It’s new because we are praying about things we have never prayed before. And since Sunday is a day of rest anyway, it was the best time to sit at the kitchen table and do the work of the kingdom. Because like you – I am certain like you – we are praying about many issues surrounding the coronavirus. First, Ken and I are really heartened by the actions of the vice president and his Coronavirus Task Force. We ask the Lord to guide them with wisdom and a healthy working relationship with the Centers for Disease Control and other agencies.

In fact, would you mind if we just prayed about that right now? Could you just join your heart with mine?

Jesus, you are the wellspring of wisdom, and so we ask you – all of us, my listening friends – we ask you to give our leaders discernment, understanding, as all sorts of different agencies work together to guide us through this incredibly difficult time. And Lord, right now we lift up the hundreds of American families who have lost loved ones to this virus. And we pray for grieving families in other parts of the world – please, Jesus, would you comfort them and draw them to your side. May they see you as their only hope in the midst of so much grief, so much loss.

And especially Lord, right now, we pray for the safety of healthcare workers in hospitals and care centers. Some of us have family members who are emergency responders, nurses, doctors. Oh, Jesus, protect them, as they work for the well-being of others. And, Jesus, we ask you to stave off the spread of this virus. Help us to all honor the many protocols that are now in place throughout our communities in grocery stores, doctor offices, pharmacies. Help us to be respectful of everyone around us as we keep our distance, yet share our smiles.

And, Lord Jesus, we lift up the people who have contracted the coronavirus and who are now quarantined. I’ve got a couple of friends right now, Jesus. We pray especially for these vulnerable people who are at risk. And also I’m thinking of other quadriplegics like me and people who are ventilator dependent; those with serious lung conditions with whom I identify.

And most of all, Lord, it’s clear you are shaking the nations. Please send your Holy Spirit; bring revival, even a global revival. Help us as Christians to make the most of every opportunity, as you tell us in Ephesians 5. Jesus, turn peoples’ hearts toward you; give them a spirit of repentance and saving faith. Bring glory to your name in the middle of this global pandemic. And we ask this in that wonderful name of Jesus. Amen.

Friend, I don’t know, I just have to thank you for praying with me as the Spirit led, and if you have special prayer requests during the pandemic, please let us know at Because although I am sequestered in my home, I’m connected with our Joni and Friends team through my computer, and we are meeting daily to pray over you and your needs, especially if you are elderly, or medically fragile, or if you have a disability. Connect with me today at, and thank you for listening to Joni and Friends.

Oh, and one more thing. I want to send you a copy of our Joni and Friends newsletter. So, just go to God bless you today and thanks for listening to Joni and Friends.

© Joni and Friends

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