Nothing Is Useless

By |Published On: September 6, 2017|Categories: 4-Minute Radio Program|

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada saying, nothing we do is useless.

You know, recently, I read a story about a man named Robert who fell into a long season of discouragement caused by chronic pain and his battle against cancer. He confided to a friend, and he said, “My body is falling apart and I feel like I’m useless; like I have nothing of value to offer God or to anyone else.” His friend rested his hand on Robert’s shoulder, and after a long moment he said, “Will you say it doesn’t make a difference when I greet you with a smile or listen to you? Would you tell me it’s worthless when I pray for you or offer a kind word?”

Robert settled into his recliner and said, “Of course not.” Then his friend said to him, “Then why are you telling yourself those lies? You do all those things for me and for others. And you do it all the time.” With those words, it was as though a light dawned on Robert’s face. He realized that nothing we do for God is ever useless. First Corinthians Chapter 15, verse 58 says, “So, be strong and steady, always enthusiastic about the Lord’s work, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.” Now, stop and listen to that again. If you’re battling cancer, or if you’re dealing with pain, if you’re in your senior years and feel as though the best you could do for God is behind you, if you feel as though you’ve been sidelined by the mainstream of ministry, if I’m describing you, always—and I tell you always—be enthusiastic about the Lord’s work. For you know—you need to know this—you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.

Just like Robert’s friend said. Even when we are physically limited, a smile, a simple word of encouragement, a prayer (albeit faint with little faith), or a brief note of encouragement you send, a small gift you give in the Lord’s name, or a display of faith during a tough trial, resisting temptation to give in; all of it is the Lord’s work. And as far as your Savior is concerned, there are no small or insignificant jobs in His kingdom. Nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. The scriptures tell us, in other words, everything you do for the Lord is useful. When we serve the Lord, no job or act of love is too menial to matter.

Now this is great news, not only for Robert, or for anyone who says, “I can’t do what I used to do; I can’t serve Jesus like I used to!” Well guess what, you are serving Him like you used to. In fact, you may be serving Him in a more significant way than you can possibly imagine. I often think that our small acts of Christian kindness or encouragements, or even our smiles, or even just a positive attitude through pain, all of it, God is using to teach thousands and thousands of unseen beings, both angels and demons. He’s teaching them how powerful His sustaining, enduring, and persevering grace is—especially if you are going through pain, or a tough trial, or you’re in your senior years. Nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless, says God’s Word.

And you know, there’s so much more to say on this important topic. It’s why John Piper wrote his excellent little book, “Don’t Waste Your Cancer.” Actually, it could be titled “Don’t Waste Your Suffering” because we tend to waste our hardships when we fail to believe that God is using us. And He is. So come to my radio page today at and ask for your free copy of “Don’t Waste Your Cancer,” by John Piper. In the meantime, as the Bible verse says: be strong, be steady, and enthusiastic. Friend, you are working for the Lord and it’s very useful. And hey, if you need more inspiration, you just have to go to my blog today at

© Joni and Friends

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