Kekoa’s Story

By |Published On: April 29, 2021|Categories: 4-Minute Radio Program|

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada and I love courageous mothers. 

And you know who they are. You probably know one. And just maybe the courageous mother you know is the parent of a child with, oh, I don’t know, cerebral palsy, autism. There’s something about these mothers, especially if they know Jesus Christ. They got perseverance; they know how to endure. They’re realistic, down-to-earth, and they appreciate any and every prayer, large or small. Oh sure, their life’s hard, but their smile is genuine because it’s hard-fought for. And this is how I see a woman named Joy, the mother of Kekoa. When he was born, over in Hawaii, the doctors told Joy that he would never survive the night. But, I don’t know, living in Hawaii, she had already named him Kekoa, which means “Courageous Warrior.” And that’s what this little guy did: he fought through that first night, and many thereafter, despite his cerebral palsy and being medically fragile. From the beginning, Joy spoke lovingly to Kekoa about Jesus Christ and welcomed everyone’s prayers for her son. 

Right away, from the time he was an infant, it was Kekoa’s smile that made him unforgettable. A happy grin on his face and an attitude to match it, even as he grew older. All of Joy’s friends noticed this, and even though Kekoa was never able to speak, he communicated tireless, persevering love through his big smile and happy giggles. He was never able to walk, but Kekoa’s mission was to teach others how to walk with the Lord, and persevere through their own hardships. Joy even helped him craft his life message: “Come as you are. We are all created with value. Jesus loves you and his plan is worth following.”  

Okay, now to the part about Joy’s courage. Through the selfless and back-breaking work involved in caring for Kekoa – the lifting, the turning – and she changed over 70,000 diapers during Kekoa’s 26 years. That’s right, he passed away at that age. All that time, Joy helped others to, as she puts it, “focus on the good instead of the exhaustion and pain.… see beyond [everyday life] into the eternal.” And that’s why Joy donated Kekoa’s wheelchair to Joni and Friends. She said, “You know, if one person can come to know Jesus because of Kekoa’s life in this wheelchair, Joni, then his story will give God so much glory.” Joy told me that as she hugged his empty chair.  

That wheelchair won’t stay empty for long, because it’s been refurbished to like-new condition so we can give it to another disabled young person through Wheels for the World. So, Kekoa’s story – and his smile and great attitude – will live on through his legacy with us at Joni and Friends. And hey, I’d love for you to see Kekoa’s amazing grin, and his mother – see her, as well. Join us at and take a look at that photo of what courage looks like. Because we all need it, don’t we? Courage. We all need to persevere through hardship. And Romans 15:5 tells us – I love this –the God of the Bible is the one who gives endurance and encouragement. The God who is a treasure to this remarkable mother and her son. So, visit us at And while you’re there, watch a brief video of Joy and Kekoa’s inspiring story. It’ll show you that all that courage and endurance comes from the Lord. Oh, and don’t forget, if you have a wheelchair like Kekoa’s that you can donate, let us know. All the details I’ve posted for you at where we love sharing Christ’s hope in your hardship.  

© Joni and Friends 

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There are millions of people worldwide who are in desperate need of a wheelchair. Will you help us bring the gift of mobility and hope of Jesus to thousands of people impacted by disability?

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